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Call For Papers

Third Science Symposium – 2005

Extended deadline to submit abstracts and full papers: August 31, 2005  

Science Faculty Board has decided to hold the 3rd Science Symposium shortly. Accordingly the Science Faculty Board has formed an Organizing Committee and the Editorial Board to execute this decision.

The Organizing Committee and the Editorial had decided to call for full papers for oral presentation and abstracts for poster presentation with reference to the Third Science Symposium, which will be held in the 26th of October.

We wish to invite our colleagues of the Faculty of Science to submit the full papers on or before 31st of August, 2005 in order to allow sufficient time for the review process and publication of the Proceedings. The full papers must be original work that has not been published as full papers elsewhere. Abstracts or other forms of communications (other than full papers) to symposia or conferences are not considered as publications. You are also invited to present your work in the form of posters also.

Instructions to authors


Further Information

Some Events at Second Symposium

Instructions to authors

Preparation of abstract:

The abstracts should be typed on one side of A4 size papers with font Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing. Margins of 2.5 cm should be on all sides except the left margin. The left margin should be 3 cm.

A.     Title

Tiles should be simple and concise. Begin the first word with a capital letter and thereafter capitalize only proper names and chemical symbols (font size – 11, bold). Text alignment – center

B. Author(s) name(s)

Upper case letter only for the initials and the first letter of the family name. (font size – 11, normal)  

C. Author(s) affiliation(s)

Write the names and postal addresses of all institutions in full. (font size –11, normal)

D.    Abstract

The abstract should be less than 250 words and be completely self-contained (font size – 11, normal).

Preparation of the full paper:  

Follow the above instructions A, B, C and D.

E.     Main body of the paper

The body of the paper (text and math font size – 11, normal) should be divided into sections with the use of section headings and subheadings

    Left- justified heading, all capital letters, preceded by a Roman numeral and a period. (font size –  11, bold)

  2.           A.     First subheading

              Left- justified heading, first letter of first word capital, preceded by a Roman capital letter  followed by a period. (font size – 11, bold)

             A.1 Second subheading

            Left-justified heading, first letter of the first word capital, preceded by a Roman capital letter followed by a period and a number (font size – 11, bold)

  3. References, figure and table numbering

    Please follow the instructions given under H. References below for citing publications in the text and the in the list of references. In the body of paper figures and tables must be cited consecutively in numerical order. Tables and Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc). Use (a), (b), (c), etc to label the parts of Figures. (font size – 11, normal)


  4. Equation numbering
    Equations that are important, long, complex, or referenced later in the paper are set off from the text (displayed) and may be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers within parentheses (1), (2), (3), etc. These numbers are placed to the extreme right of the equation.

F.      Acknowledgements

The acknowledgment section follows the main body of the paper. One paragraph is suggested, with acknowledgement of financial support listed at the end. A principal heading is used for this section, but the section is not numbered.

G.       Footnotes

Use lower case letters a, b, c, etc. to label the footnotes. Refer to the footnote in the body text by the insertion of label as a superscript. (font size – 10, normal)

H.    References

Citation of reference information should be as simple as possible. In the text refere to the author’s name (without initial) and year publication. Example: Since John (1982) has shown that or …. in agreement with results obtained later (John 1982). If there are two authors use for eg. John and Smith (1982). If the publication referred to in text is written by more than two authors, the name of the first author should be followed by et al. (eg. John et al. 1982). This indication however, should never be used in the list of references. In this list names al all the authors should be mentioned.

References cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically. Follow the instructions given below when preparing the final reference list at the end of the manuscript. The list should be arranged in alphabetical order on author’s name, and chronologically per author. Publications by the same author(s) in the same year should be listed as 1982a, 1982b, etc. Use standard abbreviations for the names of journals. (font size – 11, normal)

Research papers

John JR, Smith M and Green P. 1982 Liquid ionization calorimetry with time sampled signals. Phys. Rev. 26(1): 25-32.


John JR. 1982. Time sampled signals. In: Smith M and Green P (eds.) Liquid ionization calorimetry.  Academic press, New York . 125-132 pp.


John JR, Smith M and Green P. 1982 Liquid ionization calorimetry with time sampled signals. Proceedings of the International Conference on Low Temperature Physics. Madison . 125-132 pp.


John JR, Smith M and Green P. 1982 Liquid ionization calorimetry with time sampled signals. Brookman Haven National Laboratory Report No. 10. 78 p. (unpublished).


                   John JR, Smith M and Green P. 1982 Liquid ionization calorimetry with time sampled signals. Ph.D. thesis, Brown University



The authors are requested to submit a soft copy (in Microsoft Word) of the abstract and the full paper before the deadline, to the following address.

Dr. N.J. de S. Aamarasinghe (Chief Editor) :   jdesilva@zoo.ruh.ac.lk

Further Information

Symposium Chief

Prof. S.P.  Samarakoon  - spsamara@bot.ruh.ac.lk

Chief Editor of the Symposium

Dr. N.J. de S. Aamarasinghe -   jdesilva@zoo.ruh.ac.lk

Secretary of the Symposium

Dr. K. R. Gamage  - kumudu@fish.ruh.ac.lk