Future Trends |
The University of Ruhuna joined hands with . Matara District Chamber of Commerce & Industries (MDCCI), Southern Development Authority and Japan-Lanka Industrial Development Center forming a business incubator. It is a system whereby start-up and early stage entrepreneurs are provided with space and infrastructure facilities on a shared basis at an affordable rate and access to finance, necessary know-how, advisory services in marketing, management etc. Prof. K.D.N. Weerasinghe (Dean, Faculty of Agriculture), Mr. N. Abesekara (Project Director, UNIDO), Mr. Chula de Silva (Consultant to UNIDO), Mr. H.W. Wijayanandana, (President of MDCCI) and Mr Ruwan Kasiwatte of SDA took a leading role in establishing this novel project. Ruhuna business Incubator is being set up at Kamburupitiya utilizing the land and buildings released by the University of Ruhuna on a long-term lease for this purpose. This affords a unique opportunity for the university students to work in a business environment acquiring entrepreneurial skills.
The University with its five Faculties, namely Agriculture, Engineering, Humanities and Social Science, Medicine and Science and over 450 academics constitutes the brain thrust of the South. It aspires to become a true and effective partner in the regional development and is keen to mobilize and channel its intellectual and infrasturctural resources for the industrial growth and socio-economic development of the region To this end, a meeting was recently held at the University where Mr. C. Maliyadde, the Secretary to the Ministry of Southern Area Development, key executives of the Chambers of Commerce at Hambantota and Matara, senior officials of the SDA and Director/R.E.E.P had preliminary discussions with the Vice Chancellor, Deans and the dons of the University on the above. The meeting laid the foundation for a university-industry strategic partnership, and a committee comprising of members both from the University and the private sector was appointed in order to formulate a pragmatic, need-based, results-oriented programme with an action plan taking into account the physical and human resources available at the university and the demands and issues of the industry. Under this framework, the University would provide analytical, advisory, information and consultancy services and conduct relevant research and training programmes in keeping with the needs and issues of the industry while the industry will offer an exciting array of researchable issues for the staff to work on and funds/opportunities for research by establishing grants, endowment chairs, research studentships etc. The resulting University-Industry synergistic association besides promoting and catalyzing regional development and enabling the university to generate income, would give a new dimension to the University propelling it towards an entrepreneurial one.
Sri Lanka being an island surrounded by the Indian Ocean has so many unexplored areas of the ocean, which need to be studied, taught and researched by Sri Lankan scientists. Furthermore, the marine and mineral resources, marine biology and coastal environment are vital to the island’s welfare and prosperity in the years to come when resources dwindle in the land due to over- population and over-exploitation. Therefore the University of Ruhuna has decided to establish a Faculty of Marine Sciences in keeping with the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Technology. A committee comprising of several national experts, namely Professor Ananda Gunathileke (Geological Consultant), Prof. Kapila Dahanayake (Senior Professor of Geology, UP), Dr. N.P. Wijeyananda (Director, Geological Surveys and Mines Bureau and several professors from this University chaired by Dr. P.R.T. Cumaranatunga has developed a proposal in this regard. The proposed degree programme will, inter alia, include Oceanography, Marine Geology, Marine Biology and Coastal Zone Development & Management. This proposal is to be submitted to the UGC shortly for approval.
The EEU was established at the University of Ruhuna in 1997 with a view to conducting external degree programmes. To start with, programmes have been initiated in Humanities and Social Sciences with an enrollment of 1500 students which has grown up to 3000 by now. Recently discussions were held with the Director General of NYSC, Mr. Sunil Jayaweera and other relevant officers so as to expand and diversify the external degree programmes to cater to emerging needs. Here, the NYSC will assist by providing infrastructure facilities and certain important services. This clearly shows how opportunities for higher education can be enhanced and strengthened through inter-institutional collaboration by sharing human and infrastructural facilities without calling for additional funds. The University is on the look out for more such avenues to augment opportunities for higher education. More details about the above programme can be obtained from the Director, Mr. Piyasiri Withanage (Tel: 041-23133).
The University will embark upon several developmental programmes shortly, among which the following assume special significance.