The university is the highest institution that imparts universal knowledge and awards degrees for extensive educational attainments in various disciplines with attendant spiritual advancement for the development of intellectual community. Protection of traditional knowledge, making exploration about it and obtaining deep understanding about modern technology are among the responsibilities of the university. Thus, it is obvious that the university can be regarded as the center, where culture, history and society are brought together. The state expends a large amount of national wealth to achieve the above objectives. Hence, mutual commitment and cooperation of both the students and academic staff are essential to make it a success.
The University of Ruhuna (UR) that was established in 1978 has now emerged as a leading university in Sri Lanka with five Faculties, namelyAgriculture, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, Medicine and Science. The Faculty of Engineering that was established only in 2000 has made great strides in a short spell of time and has become the first Faculty of Engineering to introduce the course unit system to the degree programme. We propose to establish three more Faculties, viz. Management and Entrepreneurship, Fisheries and Marine Sciences and Graduate Studies, in the near future, to cater to emerging needs in a globalized economy. With Universities being present, practically in every major province, the UR is keen to become a true and effective partner in the regional development without losing sight of national needs. To this end, it is already in the process of mobilizing and chanelling its intellectual and infrastructural resources. A host of new programmes and projects have been and are being embarked upon in this regard. Establishment of a Business Incubator, Consultancy Services Arm, Resource Centre for Modern Languages, a Cultural Centre, Research Forum for the Industry and a Service Laboratory are to name a few. While striving for excellence in teaching and research, the University places great emphasis to create a conducive and congenial atmosphere to liberate the innate intellectual potential and latent talents of its students. Here, promoting sports, arts, culture, literature, community development activities etc., conducting talent shows and rewarding creative, innovative and inventive students assume particular importance. Thanks to generous financial assistance from SIDA/SAREC, the University has been able to establish the state-of-the-art technology in information and communication technology. With technological assistance from NORAD action is being taken to develop and implement customized educational management information system and IT-based student registration and administration programmes, which will ensure more effective and efficient administration at the university. We are keen to give an entrepreneurial dimension to the University, thereby producing not only graduates but also entrepreneurs. Thus in addition promoting academic excellence, steps are being taken to foster creative entrepreneurship among the students - a very important attribute in the present day. It is hoped that this newsletter will keep our stakeholders informed of the major activities, events and developments in academic, research, training, and out-reach programmes of the University. You can easily find about our activities simply by visiting our web site www.ruh.ac.lk. Nevertheless we think a conventional newsletter will help keep our stakeholders informed about the university and hope it will also prompt a traditional reaction of visiting its facilities and centers. Finally I wish to thank the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. P.R.T. Cumaranathunaga, the editorial staff, the contributors and all other who assisted in numerous ways to bring out this issue.
Dr. Attudawe Sri Rahula Maha Nayaka Thero
Prof. Ranjith Senaratne |