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Separate application should be made for each category of goods/ services and if registration is sought for more than one category of goods/ servicesby the same organization separate application should be forwarded in the same envelope. Each application should be accompanied by non-refundable fee of Rs.500/= in the form of money order drawn in favour of "University of Ruhuna" payable at Post Office,Matara. No cheques will be accepted. The decision of the Procurement Committee is final and reserves itself the right without questions, to reject any or all applications and it is not bound any way to accept any application. The University, atits discretion, may increase or decrease the terms and conditions. Suppliers who wish to register themselves for any category of goods/ servicesshould forward a copy of Business Registration together with the application. In addition, applicants who wish to register themselves for construction contracts should submit a copy of ICTAD Registration.Applications without above documents will be rejected without giving any notice. All Suppliers should agree to offer credit facilities for a period of at least 30 days. Application forms can be obtained from the office of Assistant Bursar (Supplies), University of Ruhuna or downloaded from http://www.ruh.ac.lk/“Application for Registrationof Suppliers–2013” should be written clearly on the top left hand corner of the envelope. Applications should be sent to “Assistant Bursar (Supplies), University of Ruhuna, Matara” by Registered post. Closing date of application will be 20thNovember 2012. GOODS 01. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 02. STATIONERY& OFFICE CONSUMABLES 03. COMPUTER HARDWARE&SOFTWARE 04. FURNITURE – STEEL AND ALUMINIUM 05. FURNITURE - WOODEN 06. FIBREGLASS& PLASTIC PRODUCTS 07. LABORATORY CHEMICALS 08. LABORATORY GLASSWARE 09. LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 10. WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT& TOOLS 11. ELECTRICAL &ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES 12. BUILDING MATERIALS 13. GENERAL HARDWARE ITEMS 14. SANITARY ITEMS 15. MOTOR SPARE PARTS 16. BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS 17. BOOKS BINDING MATERIALS 18. FERTILIZER AND AGRO CHEMICALS 19. ANIMAL FEED&VETERINARY DRUGS 20. SPORTS GOODS/ ITEMS 21. UNIFORM ITEMS 22. BLOCKS, RUBBER SEALS AND DATE STAMPS 23. CROCKERY AND CUTLERY 24. FIRE AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 25. MEDICAL AND DENTAL ITEMS SERVICES 26. PRINTING AND BINDINGOF BOOKS 27. REPAIRE AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS 28. REPAIRE OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT 29. REPAIRE OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 30. REPAIRE, SERVICE & LUBRICATION OF VEHICLES 31. REPAIRE AND MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTERS 32. REPAIRE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELCTRONIC APPLIANCES
Registrar. |