
Post of Visiting Lecturer

University of Ruhuna

Post of Visiting Lecturer

Department of English Language Teaching & Distance and Continuing Education Unit

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the position of Visiting Lecturers in the Department of English Language Teaching in collaboration with the Distance and Continuing Education Unit to conduct Extension Courses in English (Diploma and Certificate Programs) on weekends.

Qualifications required:
Bachelor's Degree: A degree in English Language, Literature, Linguistics, or a related field.
⚫ Teaching Experience: At least one year of experience in teaching English

How to Apply:
Completed applications must be submitted via email to the Distance and Continuing Education Unit (DCEU) at the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Applicants must submit certified copies of relevant educational and professorial certificates, a birth certificate, a national identity card, and an updated curriculum vitae with the completed application on or before 30th January 2025.

Applicants found guilty in disciplinary investigations are ineligible to apply. Additionally, late or incomplete applications will be rejected without notice.

Distance and Continuing Education Unit
University of Ruhuna.