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Third Science Symposium – 2005

Date: 09th November 2005

Venue: Alawattagoda Premadasa Auditorium, Faculty of Science

Call for Papers

Programme of the Symposium

8.00 Rgistration
8.30 Lighting the traditional oil lamp
8.35 National Anthem
8.40 Welcome address by Prof. S.P. Samarakoon, Chairman
8.45 Address by the Chief Guest, Prof. Ranjith Senaratna,  Vice Chancellor, University of Ruhuna.
8.55 Address by Prof. R.N. Pathirana, Dean/Faculty of  Science.
9.00 Keynote Address "Science of Earth Quakes" by Professor Dhammika A. Thanthirigoda, Department of Physics, University of Sri Jayawardenapura
10.00 Introduction of Technological Innovations of Faculty of Science
10.10 Vote of Thanks by Dr.(Miss) K.R. Gamage, Secretary, Organizing Committee
10.20 Refreshments
10.30 Technical Sessions I
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Technical Sessions II

Poster session start from 10.20 a.m.