Research articles should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other conference or publication at the same time. Each submission must accompany a statement of originality in the covering letter addressed to the secretary. In case there are multiple authors, the corresponding author can submit the statement of originality.
Extended abstracts must contain the title of the paper, name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), and keywords (3-5 keywords organized alphabetically). Maximum length of the extended abstract should be 2 pages including references.
The scientific committee or the reviewers may sometimes request the access to data and calculations during the review process. Relevant authors must be willing to supply these if requested.
Abstracts and Extended Abstracts must be in MS Word file format, and the soft copy should be sent to the secretary by email, and three hard copies of the same should be submitted to the respective faculty representatives.
Dr. Thusitha GunawardanaFac. of Management and Finance |
Prof. Dharma RajapaksheFaculty of H&SS |
Dr. M.K. WanniarachchigeFac. of Management and Finance |
Mrs. G.P.K. Nishadhi
Dr. A.L. RanawakaFac. of Agriculture |
Dr. Sanjeeva WitharanaFac. of Engineering |
Dr. H.B. AsanthiFac. of Fisheries & Marine Sci. |
Prof. Piyasiri WithanageFac. of H & SS |
Mr. K.H. RamanayakaMain Library |
Mrs. G.P.K. NishadhiFac. of Management and Finance |
Dr. Channa YahathugodaFac. of Medicine |
Prof. Suneetha Gunawickrama