Structure of the University of Ruhuna
The Organization
The University of Ruhuna operates under the provisions of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 and the Universities (Amendment) Act No. 7 of 1985. Accordingly, the university has a Chancellor, a Vice Chancellor, Officers and Authorities to draw plans, make decisions, and monitor the implementation of such decisions in the overall management.
Organizational Structure of The University
The Chancellor, the ceremonial and titular head of the university, presides over at the university convocation. The President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka nominates the Chancellor for a period of five years.

Vice Chancellor
The Vice Chancellor is the Principal Executive Officer, Principal Academic Officer, and Chief Accounting Officer of the University. The President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka appoints the Vice Chancellor out of three nominations made by the University Council for a period of three years. The Vice Chancellor is the Chairman and ex-officio member of both the Council and the Senate of the University and is responsible for the maintenance of discipline.

Deputy Vice Chancellor
The Deputy Vice Chancellor is appointed by the UGC on the approval of the Council of the University. The Deputy Vice Chancellor is responsible for student affairs and substitutes for the Vice Chancellor as and when it is necessary.
The Faculty Board elects a Dean for each faculty from the Heads of Departments for a period of three years. The Deans are the academic and administrative heads of their respective faculties.
The Council of the University appoints the Registrar. The Registrar is the ex-officio secretary of both the Council and the Senate. The Registrar is responsible for the general administration, the conduction of examinations, the publication of results, and the discipline of the non-academic staff. The Registrar functions subject to the direction and control of the Vice Chancellor. The Registrar is also the Assistant Accounting Officer of the University and is responsible for the custody of the records and the property. In this connection, the Deputy Registrar, the Assistant Registrars, and the general administration with its many departments and divisions assist the Registrar.
The Council, subject to the direction and control of the Vice Chancellor, appoints the Librarian and he is responsible for the administration of the libraries of the university. The Librarian is an ex-officio member of the Senate and usually the Chairman of the Library Committee unless the Vice Chancellor himself chairs the committee.
The Bursar, appointed by the Council of the University on following a selection process, is responsible for financial administration and the maintenance of accounts subject to the direction and control of the Registrar. He is also the custodian of the funds of the university, in addition to being responsible for the procurement of supplies and the arrangement of all payments. The preparation of the annual statements of accounts is a key function of the Bursar.
The University of Ruhuna operates under the provisions of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 and the Universities (Amendment) Act No. 7 of 1985. Accordingly, the university has a Chancellor, a Vice Chancellor, Officers and Authorities to draw plans, make decisions, and monitor the implementation of such decisions in the overall management.
The Council
The Council is the chief executive body and governing authority of the University. The Council consists of the Vice Chancellor, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, the Deans of the Faculties, two elected Senate Members, and outside representatives whose number should be greater than the number of members from the University. A Council Member serves for a period of three years and is eligible for reappointment.
The Senate
The Senate chaired by the Vice Chancellor is the academic authority of the University. The Senate consists of the following person:
- The Vice Chancellor
- Deputy Vice Chancellor
- Deans
- Heads of the Departments
- Permanent Professors
- Librarians
- Two permanent lecturers elected from each faculty
The University has the following ten faculties:
- Faculty of Agriculture
- Faculty of Allied Health Science
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Fisheries Marine Sciences and Technology
- Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Management and Finance
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Technology
Each Faculty Board consists of:
- The Dean of the Faculty
- All permanent Professors
- All permanent Associate Professors
- All permanent Senior Lecturers
- All permanent Lecturers
- Two student representatives nominated by the Faculty Student Union
- Three outside members of high academic standing whose expertise is relevant to the faculty