Vice Chancellor's Message
Senior Prof. P.A. Jayantha
Senior Prof. P.A. Jayantha
Vice Chancellor- University of Ruhuna
With the vision to be the prime intellectual thrust of the nation, the University of Ruhuna is undertaking the steps to advance knowledge and skills through teaching, research and services to serve the society to uphold the dignity and respect, nurturing creativity, academic merits and social responsibility of the university community and its stakeholders.
My vision in the role of Vice Chancellor is to provide inventive, active, solid, transparent and devoted leadership to make the University of Ruhuna the prime intellectual thrust of the nation and the entity that provide directions for the country’s development with a special focus to the regional development.
The Vice Chancellor is responsible for leading the university community to achieve the goals of the university as stated in the Corporate Plan of the university as the Principal Executive Officer, the Principal Academic Officer, and the Accounting Officer of the university.
To realize the vision and mission of the university it is vital for the Vice Chancellor to steer the university with the core values that enhance the freedom of thought and expression of all stakeholders, to provide care for the university community and beneficiaries of the university, and to uphold academic excellence, good governance, innovativeness and creativity, and collaborative teamwork.
As the Vice Chancellor, I am obliged to empower the enhancement of the environment needed for the teaching, research and community services, and to facilitate fair and strong mechanisms for resolving any crisis that could arise in connection with the university with the consultation of relevant authorities or representatives of all stakeholders of the university, according to the directions of the Senate and the Council of the University.
I would like to witness all students provide high priority for completing their studies at their best while taking the optimal advantage of the human and physical resources that are available thanks to the taxpayers of the country, and they become responsible and skillful citizens of the country after graduating from the university.
Senior Professor P. A. Jayantha
Vice Chancellor
University of Ruhuna