Research Journals

    Journal of the University of Ruhuna

    Journal of the University of Ruhuna is published quarterly (March, June, September and December) as an online journal by University of Ruhuna. Research articles, Short communications, Research notes and Review articles in all fields of Science and Technology, Management and Social Sciences are accepted any time during the year to be considered for publication. more..

    Ruhuna Journal of Management and Finance (RJMF)

    Ruhuna Journal of Management and Finance (RJMF) is a peer reviewed international journal; published bi-annually by the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. The aim of RJMF is to provide a unique intellectual platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners from diverse domains of management and finance to stimulate a scholarly debate. The journal is published in both printed and online versions. With the aim of providing the widest possible readership for the intellectual, the online version of RJMF is freely accessible to anyone. more..

    E-JOURNAL of Social Sciences and Humanities

    The journal is opened to both Social Sciences and Humanities. It encourages scholarly manuscripts that address new developments in Social Sciences and Humanities. The journal also publishes original research papers, practical programmes, short notes, news items, book reviews, reports of meetings and professional announcements. Constructive criticisms and discussions of published papers and letters of relevance and interest to the readership will be published at the discretion of the Editor in Chief. The journal gives preference to manuscripts with novel or timely findings, and to manuscripts of unusual interests. The researchers are invited to submit original papers in English (papers published elsewhere or under consideration elsewhere shall not be submitted). more..

    Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

    The Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences(JFHSS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal published twice a year (June and December) by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University ofRuhuna. more..

    Ruhuna Journal of Science (RJS)

    Ruhuna Journal of Science (RJS) welcome articles resulting from original research work covering many areas in Pure and Applied Sciences, Technology, and also covering scientific themes with interdisciplinary focus. Subject areas include,
    Agriculture; Botany; Chemistry; Computer Science & IT; Environmental Science; Fisheries & Aquaculture; Mathematics & Statistics; Medical & Health Sciences; Molecular Biology & Biotechnology; Physics & Geophysical Science; Veterinary Science; Zoology more..

    Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension (TARE)

    Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension publishes research results of broad practical significance for tropical agriculture. The subject areas covered include Agricultural Economics & Extension, Agricultural Engineering, Agro-forestry, Animal Science, Biotechnology, Crop Science, Fisheries Biology, Food Science & Post Harvest Technology, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Plant Protection, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Integrated Farming Systems, Natural Resource Management and Soil Science more..

    ROHANA Journal

    ‘ROHANA’ is a multidisciplinary refereed journal devoted to publish high quality research articles related to Applied & Natural Sciences, Management & Social Sciences, and Medical Sciences. Since its commencement in 1985, ‘ROHANA’ has published 09 issues up to now and the forthcoming issue is No.10. Articles are accepted through the year. Yet, the scheduled deadlines to submit contributions for the journal are the 31st August and 31st January. Articles related to Applied & Natural Sciences, and Medical Sciences, should be in English while the articles under Management & Social Sciences should be either in English or in Sinhala. ‘ROHANA’ is a forum for researchers and scholars to obtain a global access and enhance research impact for their work. more..

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