Short- Term  Research Assistants Position

    Short- Term  Research Assistants Position ( to start immediately)

    Department of  Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna


    B.Sc (Hons.) in Chemistry or above qualifications

    Experience required: Research / laboratory experience in Natural Product Extractions and Chromatography including HPLC

    Project : To isolate extract and isolate compounds from some medicinal plants ( Continuation of work in AHEAD- DOR- 05 project)


    3-5 months (start immediately) and complete the remaining work

    Interested candidates: Send CV with required information to the following emails and contact through email

    Prof. Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Dr. H.C. Manawadu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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