Research Assistant leading to an M.Phil. degree


    “Research Assistant leading to an M.Phil. degree” 

    Applications are invited from highly qualified prospective candidates for the post of Research Assistant (RA) to enroll for a research project leading to Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) degree in Mangrove  Seedling Ecology. All project activities will be conducted at the Department of Botany, University of  Ruhuna, Wellamadama, Matara. 

    This project comes under the “Social-Ecological Dynamics in Rapid Economic Development:  Infrastructure and coastal Change in South and Eastern Sri Lanka (FSPI-SEDRIC@Sri Lanka)” and  funded by the French cooperation under the supervision of the French Embassy at Colombo and ICA  (International Coordination Action) at Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (FWO) 

    Project Description:  

    This project focuses on determining the effect of tidal frequency and sedimentation level on survival rate  of mangrove seedlings. Thereby, the study anticipates in furthering understanding on mangrove survival  and restoration.  

    Duration: Two years (Full-time)  

    No. of positions available: 01 


    ∙ Should have a B.Sc. Special Degree in Botany with a first class or a second upper division from a  recognized university.  

    ∙ Prior experience in working in mangrove environmental setting will be an added qualification.  ∙ Satisfactory level of proficiency in written and spoken English  

    ∙ Sufficient knowledge in Scientific writing and Biostatistics (multivariate techniques) ∙ Publications on the field of interest will be considered. 

    Monthly stipend: Rs. 50,000/= per month  

    Application procedure: 

    A curriculum vitae (CV) and a covering letter explaining the intention of applying for the position along  with proofs of academic transcript and related certificates should be submitted. Soft copies must be  submitted via E-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject “Application-SEDRIC”.


    Hard copies should be sent to the following address through registered post. 

    Dr. K.A. Sunanda Kodikara 

    Senior Lecturer, 

    Department of Botany,  

    Faculty of Science, 

    University of Ruhuna,  


    Deadline for application: 20th October 2022 



    Dr. K.A. Sunanda Kodikara (Coordinator: FSPI-SEDRIC Project)- 

    Contacts: 0777116347 


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