Call for Expression of Interest
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Call for Expression of Interest
Development of New Post Graduate Programs – Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of Ruhuna
The Faculty of Graduate Studies(FGS), University of Ruhuna is calling for Expression of Interest to develop new Post Graduate Programs (PG) aiming to attract suitable PG students. The objective of this initiation is to increase the PG student intake in the UOR which is fairly low with compared to the undergraduate programs. The proposed programs should be fit into SLQF Level 9 (One year – Course work only) or SLQF Level 10 (Two years – Course work + Research). FGS has identified following PG programs to develop during 2024 / 2025.
1. Environmental Science
2. Wilf Life Ecology & Management
3. Aquaculture
4. Marine Sciences
5. Public Policy
6. Pali & Buddhist Studies
7. Artificial Intelligence
8. Robotics & Electronics
9. International Business
10. Human Resource Management
Interested relevant academics / teams may inform the expression of interest to Deputy Register / Faculty of Graduate Studies (mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) on or before 15th of October 2024. The program/s will be owned and administered by the FGS, UOR. With accordance to the Finance Committee Memo No. 2023.07.05, each program developer or team of development will be paid an Honorarium of Rs 250 000.00 after the first intake of students of the developed program.
Dean / Faculty of Graduate Studies