Ruhuna QA Sessions-2023
    Author Guidelines for Submission of Conference Papers

    Researchers/policy makers/administrators/postgraduates/undergraduates are invited to submit papers related to Quality Assurance in Higher Education for the Ruhuna QA Sessions – 2023. One author is allowed to submit a maximum of two papers under any two different categories. All accepted submissions will be peer-reviewed and published in the E- Conference Proceedings.

    (1) Oral/poster presentations:
    Abstract and Extended Abstract must be submitted regarding your own research work related to quality assurance aspects of Higher Education.
    Abstract (max 300 words): Should include; Background, objective, methodology, results, and conclusion. Key words: max 05


    Extended Abstracts:
    Should contain following sections;
    Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion (max. of one Table and/or one Figure – in B/W or colour), Conclusion, and References (max 10; APA).
    Maximum length; 2500 words

    (2) Reviews - Oral presentation
    Should contain following sections
    Abstract (max 350 words), Key words (max 05) Extended Abstract: Introduction, body (under appropriate headings/sub headings), maximum of two tables and/or figures - in B/W or colour), references (max 20; APA).
    Maximum length; 4000 words.

    (3) Models/Concepts/Good Practices – Poster session
    Background including problem, hypothesis
    Methodology/ evidences, results, if any, obtained by now
    Expected outcome/summary
    References (max 05)
    Maximum length: 1000 words

    Text formatting:
    Times New Roman; 12 point, 1.5-line spacing
    Use “Insert Table, Grid Table 1” for Tables.
    Reference; APA format


    A soft copy in a MS word format should be emailed to the following address.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Establishment of the APEX body for Environmental Protection and Sustainability in Sri Lanka  

    The EU co-funded the TESS project under its Erasmus+ CBHE programme. This project aims to develop new interdisciplinary educational programs and redesign existing programs in Solid Waste Management (SWM). In this TESS project, the University of Ruhuna is responsible for developing a Cross Sector Collaboration between industry, municipalities, and NGOs. As a part of this project, University of Ruhuna established the APEX Body for managing the solid waste practices in Sri Lanka which is named as the Center for Environmental Protection and Sustainability (CEPS) on 09th of May 2023 at the Solis Hotel, Matara. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Ruhuna, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic representatives from the University of South Eastern, Norway, University of Essex, UK, University of Vocational Technology, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Officers of Janathaksana, Chief Secretary of the Southern Province, Sri Lanka, District Secretaries of Galle and Matara Districts, Commissioner of Local Government, Southern Province, industry representativeness, government officers, BDS providers, Central Bank Officers, Bank officers, Chamber of commerce, and Entrepreneurs participated for the event. In this event, we appointed and handed over the appointment letters for the advisory board, office bearers for the CEPS, and office bearers for the Commercial units in Galle, Matara, and Hambantota Districts respectively. The Partners of the TESS projects are University of Southeastern, Norway, University of DTU, Denmark, University of NOVA, Portugal, University of Essex, UK, University of Ruhuna, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, University of Moratuwa, University of Jaffna, University of Vocational Technology, Janathakshan Gte. Ltd., Sri Lanka.




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