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Audit Report (Final Accounts) 2020
"University of Ruhuna has obtained an Unqualified Audit Opinion-(Clean Report) from the Auditor General, for the Final Accounts of year 2020 . This has been achieved for the first time in history of University of Ruhuna. The Vice-Chancellor commended all the relevant staff members especially for the staff of the Finance Branch headed by BURSAR for their immense contributions in achieving this. He was also thankful to DVC, Registrar and all Deans for their support in financial management and administration.
Click here to download the audit report
රුහුණ ගී සරසිය - ගී පදමාලා නිර්මාණ තරගාවලිය -2021
රුහුණ විශ්වවිද්යාලයීය සංස්කෘතික කේන්ද්රය විසින් සංවිධානය කරනු ලබන “රුහුණ ගී සරසිය” ගී පදමාලා නිර්මාණ තරගාවලිය - 2021
අයදුම්පත් නැවත කැඳවීම - දෙමළ, ප්රංශ, ජපන්, ජර්මන්, කොරියානු හා චීන භාෂා සහතිකපත්ර පාඨමාලා -2021
Student Enrollment, 2019/2020 Admission Year, University of Ruhuna
Science, Allied Health Sciences, Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology, Agriculture, Technology
Please visit to enroll for the following Degree programmes
Degree Programmes
Faculty of Science
1) Biological Science
2) Computer Science
3) Physical Science
4) Financial Mathematics & Industrial Statistics
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
5) Nursing
6) Pharmacy
7) Medical Laboratory Science
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology
8) Fisheries & Marine Sciences
9) Marine & Fresh Water Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture
10) Agricultural Resource Management & Technology
11) Agribusiness Management
12) Green Technology
Faculty of Technology
13) Engineering Technology
14) Bio Systems Technology
15) Information Communication Technology
Deputy Vice Chancellor
University of Ruhuna
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